Taiping Elementary School 太平國小簡介

Welcome to Taiping Elementary School in Puxin Township, Changhua County. Our school is located beside Puxin Park and provides a peaceful environment for learning. We offer a range of programs to develop every student's talents. Our dance classes, swimming lessons, and various clubs help students discover their passions. Our track and field, lion dance, and basketball teams have won many competitions. We're proud of our students' achievements in sports. To help students learn English, we have a special program with a foreign teacher. This helps our students improve their language skills and get ready for the future. Taiping Elementary School is a wonderful place to learn and grow. We're committed to providing our students with a well-rounded education.

歡迎來到彰化縣埔心鄉的太平國小。 我們的學校位於埔心公園旁,提供一個寧靜的學習環境。我們提供各種課程來發展每位學生的才能。我們的舞蹈課程、游泳課程和各種社團幫助學生發現自己的熱情。我們的田徑隊、舞龍隊和籃球隊在許多比賽中獲得了很多獎項。我們為學生在體育方面的成就感到驕傲。為了幫助學生學習英語,我們設有一個由外籍教師教授的特別課程。這幫助我們的學生提高語言技能,為未來做好準備。太平國小是一個學習和成長的好地方。我們致力於為學生提供全面的教育。