Word of the Day 每日一字

Be careful when you walk upstairs or downstairs. 上下樓梯要小心。

You can hold onto the handrail when you walk upstairs or downstairs. 上下樓梯時可以握著扶手

The students are playing hula hoops. 學生們正在搖呼拉圈。

Hula hoops are round and colorful toy. 呼拉圈是圓圓的而且是彩色的玩具。

A rake is a tool used to pick up fallen leaves. 耙子是用來拾起落葉的工具。

The students are using the rakes to clean up the school grounds.學生們正在用耙子清理校園。

It's important to wash your hands after using the bathroom. 上完廁所後洗手是很重要的。

Make sure to wash your hands with soap and water before eating. 確定在吃東西之前要用香皂和水來洗手。

The kids jump rope to get some exercise. 


When the weather is nice, you can go outside to jump rope.


In Taiwan, all elementary schools have professional development on Wednesday afternoons. 台灣所有小學老師在週三下午有專業進修。

Teachers learn new skills and strategies during their professional development. 老師在專業進修時學習新技能與教學策略。

Plants need care to live. 


Watering plants is called gardening.


The coach is teaching moves in the lion dance.教練正在教舞獅動作。

The lion dance is a very popular and traditional performance.舞獅是一種非常流行的傳統表演。

These students are enjoying using the playground equipment.這些學生正在享受使用遊樂場設備的樂趣。

Playground equipment includes swings, slides, monkey bars, and climbing pipes.遊樂場設備包括鞦韆、滑梯、單槓和攀爬管。

The students are in geometry class. 學生們正在上幾何的課。

Geometry is a study of shapes. 幾何學是對形狀的研究。

Length is a unit of measurement. 長度是測量的單位。

The students are learning how to measure length. 學生們正在學習如何測量長度。

This student is practicing his ball control. 這位學生正在練習控球。

In a basketball game, ball control is very important. 在籃球賽中,控球是非常重要的。

The students are doing their stretching exercise. 學生們正在做伸展運動。

Stretching helps muscles and joints stay healthy. 拉伸有助於肌肉和關節保持健康。

These students are practicing to rollerblade. 這些學生正在練習溜直排輪。

Rollerblading can be for fun and also for exercise. 溜直排輪可以純粹是為了好玩,也可以作為運動。

Shooting hoops is slang for playing basketball. 


Shooting hoops is just shooting baskets for fun. 


The students are playing a pickup game of basketball. 學生們正在打籃球鬥牛賽。

A pickup game is an unofficial game played for fun. 鬥牛賽是非正式、純好玩的一種比賽。

The students are cleaning the board with an eraser. 學生們正在用板擦擦黑板。

They then clean the eraser with a cleaning machine. 然後他們用板擦機清潔板擦。

The students paint the lion face on the lantern. 學生們在燈籠上畫獅子的臉。

The students use different colors to paint. 學生們用不同的顏色的畫。

The teacher leads the students in their martial arts lesson. 老師在武術課中帶領學生做動作。

The students practice different martial arts moves. 學生們練習不同武術的招式。

The students practice for their read-aloud competition. 學生為朗讀比賽練習。

The teacher helps the students prepare for their read-aloud competition. 老師協助學生們準備他們的朗讀比賽。

A good storyteller teaches a lesson and entertains you at the same time. 


The storytellers can use real or fictional information to tell a story. 


Watch out for students crossing the road. 


Crossing guards stop traffic to let students cross the street safely. 交通導護阻擋車輛讓學生安全過馬路。

The students are studying insects. 這些學生正在研究昆蟲。

The teacher is showing different types of insects.  這位老師展示不同種類的昆蟲。

swimming 游泳 

warm-up 暖身 

kick 打水 

kick board 浮板 

stroke 式 

float 漂浮 

hold your breath 閉氣 

The teacher leads a warm-up before swimming. 老師帶學生在游泳前熱身。 

The students use a kick board to practice swimming. 同學們用浮板練習游泳。 

The students practice their kicking on the side of the pool. 同學們在泳池旁邊練習打水。 The teacher shows how to do a free-style stroke. 老師示範如何游自由式。 

The students practice floating. 同學們練習漂浮。 

You need to hold your breath to swim. 你必須閉氣才能游泳。 

Hiking in the mountains is very beautiful. 


Hiking the trails is good exercise. 


Each student performs in a storytelling contest. 


The teachers grade students' reading in the storytelling contest. 


The students put on a performance at a retirement home. 


In the performance, the students dance, sing, and play instruments. 


The class goes to the train station to buy tickets for the train. 


Once they have their tickets, they wait on the platform for the train to come. 


Earth is the planet we live on. 地球是我們居住的星球。 

On Earth Day, the teacher shows her students ways to take care of the Earth


The student chooses a book to read. 學生選擇一本書閱讀。

The student reads a book. 學生們在讀書。

These students are playing the ocarina.這些學生正在吹陶笛。

The ocarina is a musical wind instrument.陶笛是一種管樂器。